Are you looking to enhance your dog’s obedience, social skills, and overall behaviour in a fun and engaging environment?
Our group classes provide the perfect platform for your furry friend to learn and grow alongside other dogs, fostering stronger bonds and improved social skills.
Continue your education and keep making progress in a safe environment. * A completion of our private training program is required to join this group class to ensure everyone’s safety.
Rally is a fun and challenging sport that most dogs and handlers can dip their toes in. *Consultation is required before joining the group class.
CKC is one of the most challenging obedience sports out there. Learn from one of Canada’s top competitors Ashley Boyd. She will make sure you and your dog are prepared and excel in the ring. *Consultation is required before joining the group class.
Are you interested in showing your dog for confirmation? Handling and prep can make all the difference. Join our conformation group class and get your dog prepped and ready to be shown! *Consultation is required before joining the group class.
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Consultio comes with a beautiful collection of modern, easily importable, and highly customizable demo layouts. Any of which can be installed via one click.